Saturday, December 3, 2011

why? again (not for brittany *you know who you are*)

so i just saw something on facebook that just kills me. one of my "friends" posted a video (which i did not watch) about why young people shouldnt chase each other according to outside beatuy. well, i have one thing to say to the maker and retards that post the video.
HOW. THE. FUCK. ARE. WE. SUPPOSED. TO. KEEP. A. RELATIONSHIP. WHEN. WE. ARE. LOOKING. AT. OTHER. PEOPLE?!!!!!!!! WHAT!!! THE!!!! FUCK!!!! retards. they obviously have no idea what a young person wants, or what a young person needs. obviously we (as i am still considered a young person apparently) want inner beauty to go along with the outer beauty that our bodies desire. its just a problem of reality. NEITHER ONE GOES WITH THE OTHER!!!!!! duuuuuhhhhhh!!!!!! retards. anyone knows that if a woman possesses both of these traits (which does happen, but is exceedingly rare), she is immediatly snatched up by the first asshole to grow half a malformed testicle and a quarter of a barely firing brain; and subsequently turned into some wreck of emotional/drama/financial disaster with major trust issues. which renders her subsequently fairly undesireable. not to mention most likely left with some brat fuck of a kid.
furthermore, it is common young person knowledge that a relationship that does make it to a marriage will most likely end in one of two ways (with the unlikely chance that there will actually be a happily ever after).
1) the marriage ends with the woman happily taking half of all the possesions the man painstakinly worked his ass off for and now gets to watch it leave for a reasone that he is not entirely sure of with the feeling that somehow he's been left with the short end of the stick.
2) one or the other of the couple will turn into some sort of abusive monster (be it drugs, alchohol, or some form of human-human) that will hopefully die of some stupid mistake or accident.
so really is it any wonder that young men just want a pretty face and good body? is it any wonder that young women just want some rich, handsome, brainless fuck? WE HAVE NO HOPE!!!!! shit!!! open youre fucking eyes and wake the fuck up.

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